
An Addicted Mobile Gameplay: Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends Hello everyone! Today I am going to introduce a mobile game which known as 'Mobile Legends'. Maybe some of you heard of it be fore and yes it is a very addicted game. You all can download from Google Play Store or Apple Store without paying any money because it is a free of charge game. Here let me show u the icon of M obile L egends .    This game is based on D ota 2 and League of Legend game-play . If you all play th ese pc game before, you all can easily pick up on how to play in this Mobile Legends wi thin less than 30 minutes. Here let me show u the loading screen of Mobile Legends when you open it. This Mobile Legends is basically a 5 vs 5 gameplay which you form a team with another 4 online players and fight with 5 enemy online player. There are many hero you can use in this game but most of them require you to buy with battle point or gem. You could earn battle point from each round of your game-play regardless win or lose....